Monday, September 17, 2007

It seems to be a day of "mores" here at Molly's Blog. As previously reported on this blog (see 'The World's First Virtual Strike', August 28 and 'More on the Virtual Strike Against IBM-Italia', September 8) the workers employed at IBM in Italy plan to conduct the first "online strike" at the company's virtual presence on the cyberworld 'Second Life'. So far over 500 people have signed up their avatars for participation. They come from across the globe from more than 18 countries. The strike is now set for September 25th to 30th. It was going to be held this week, but the high level of interest as well as the need for more planning to involve other Second Life groups necessitated a delay. Also a large national meeting for the workers in IBM-Italia will be held on September 24th to make official declarations. The news of the strike has spread across the world, and coverage has been given in both TV radio and print across Europe, Asia and Canada.
To learn more and participate go to

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