Sunday, March 09, 2008

As Molly has remarked previously on this blog it seems that anarchy is breaking out here there and everywhere. While present day anarchism may lack the force of numbers in a given country that it had during the heyday of anarcho-syndicalism there is little doubt that anarchism today is a far more widespread phenomenon than it was at that time. From the north to the south, and from the east to the west there are anarchists active in all countries of the world today. As a demonstration please see the following report on recent anarchist activity in Indonesia. It originally appeared on the Asian Anarchist Network, and was reprinted today at A-Infos. The Asian Anarchist Network is an interesting project that Molly has reported on before in this blog. It's basically a list serve for anarchists resident in Asia, from Gaza to Kamchatka and from Irkutsk to Indonesia, and for those interested in anarchism on that continent. It hopes to act as an organizing tool to build links between anarchists in that area of the world. But anyways, the report(slightly edited for grammar)...
Here's some updates from our Anti-Authoritarian Network. Several comrades from Medan, North Sumatra, last year were kicked out of their university - HKBP NOMMENSEN - for boycotting the reclamation of student orientation by the university bureaucrats. They held an occupation for months, but nothing happened and the university bureaucrats refused to release their transfer permission. So their 'career' as students is dead. These students who were kicked out of university are active students who through the years have been protesting military violence in northern Sumatra, and the Rectorate of the university is a high military official. So there are other conclusions about this.
Bored and fed up waiting for their mercy, last February these students agitated others to occupy the university and burned it down. They isolated the bureaucrats and burned their cars. Now seven of them are imprisoned. In our network, there was a student organization, Semapur, that was involved through the years in farmers' struggles. Our comrades on South Celebes (Sulawesi, different island), Makassar, yesterday were arrested because of graffiti and were accused of subversion. Luckily,there are no charges and they were released. The graffiti read "I Love You Sweetheart, Let's Smash the State" (in Indonesian of course)
...Me and my own collective, Affinitas, are in central Java. We too are involved in the peasant struggle against the cement industry that is planned in a small village, Pati. We need all the help we can get from the anarchists abroad!

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